Being a Standout Candidate
Alina Sipp-Alpers
In this week’s blog, Alina goes over how candidates stand out to her. She goes over recent screenings she has had and the impact they have made on her.
Hack the Movement is a collection of blog posts by the New Working Majority staff that is designed to help grow the movement through tips, recommendations, and tailored resources.
Kati Sipp
If you read New Working Majority’s salary survey report in 2023, you know that one of the major findings of the report is that the people who are least happy with their movement salaries right now are the folks who have been in the movement the longest–in our taxonomy, the Journey People and Adepts..
Alina Sipp-Alpers
At New Working Majority, we’re constantly watching, listening to, and reading movement and politics-related media. I put together a list of my February media recommendations: one movie, one book, and one podcast episode. Below you’ll find a bit about each piece of media, a link to find them, and a little about why I recommend them.
Kati Sipp
At New Working Majority, we primarily work with base-building organizations like local unions and community organizing groups. We love organizers and organizing, and we are committed to helping organizers grow into their power in order to develop more leaders in our movements.
New Working Majority
2024 is going to be a busy year and so is your hiring! So we created a quick list of tips to make your hiring process smoother and starting a little bit easier. At New Working Majority our staff has over 30 years' experience in hiring, and has overseen hundreds of hires.